Monday, September 10, 2007

Washed up at 25?

Following up on the previous MTV awards comment:

Kelefa Sanneh ripped into Brit's performance in today's New York Times:

MTV has always tried to pump up its annual Video Music Awards with momentous live performances. But in an era when fans can watch concerts on their cell phones and spy on hours-old gigs by way of YouTube, it’s harder than ever to arrange a performance that feels like a big deal.
That’s where Britney Spears comes in. Thanks to her annus horribilis — or, more accurately, anni horribiles — she was one of the most anticipated VMA performers in years. Voyeurs around the world were ready to see a fallen star back onstage.
She didn’t disappoint: she was awful. Visibly nervous, she tottered around the stage, dancing tentatively and doing nothing that sounded or looked like real live singing. It’s too bad, because the song itself, "Gimme More," is a pleasant surprise: brash, sleek and unapologetic. But Spears’ performance didn’t seem likely to stem the tide of mean-spirited jokes about her.
Sure enough, when it was over, Sarah Silverman, the host, smiled cruelly and said, “She is amazing! I mean, she is 25 years old and she’s already accomplished everything she’s going to accomplish in life.”

(Emphasis added.)