Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dylan's overlooked masterpieces

Few artists are a polarizing as Bob Dylan. Those who love him are obsessed, while those who hate his nasally voice and garbled lyrics have more than enough ammunition for annoyance.

Dylan's got to be the worst harmonica player in history ... and he's been practicing for 40-plus years.

Still, it's impossible to deny his impact on rock and music in general. Though far from obsessed, I'm a huge Dylan fan and thought it'd be fun to talk about "Overlooked Dylan Songs."

For all his monumental success - Blonde on Blonde, Time Out of Mind, Bringin' it all Back Home - Dylan's also made some horrible records - Self Portrait, Saved, Shot of Love, Empire Burlesque.

So in honor of his upcoming, three-disc "best of" compilation, Here are some of my favorite overlooked Dylan songs. Some ya might no, others you might not ... feel free to add some of your own.

"Most of the Time," from Oh, Mercy
"Every Grain of Sand," Shot of Love
"Hollis Brown," Times they are a Changin'
"One Too Many Mornings" Times ...
"John Brown" Dylan Unplugged
"The man in the long black coat," Oh, Mercy
"Never say goodbye," Planet Waves
"One more cup of coffee" Desire
"The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest" John Wesley Harding