Monday, October 1, 2007

I heard ya missed us ...

Seems as though the reunited, re-Rothed and rather revamped Van Halen are up to the task of living up to their stellar legacy. Though Van-Hagar sold more records, the world waited for the return of Diamond Dave.

"I hear ya missed us ... we're back," Dave shouted to the packed house in Charlotte, N.C. where Van Halen circa 2007, with Wolfgang Van Halen replacing Michael Anthony on bass, opened for their renuion tour. According to this review The boys are still able to hit their marks, and YouTube video seems evidence enough.

Van Halen's the one show I never got to see. But unless they intend to come down this way after the extensive Canda shows, it seems I'll still have to wait because "additional tour dates" did not include Atlanta or Bham.

Guess I'll have to wait for the DVD. Thank God for surround sound.